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RDN Taxation Information 

Email – December 12, 2024 – To all members……….
Together with other community association groups, at the RDN Board Meeting on Tuesday Dec10th, there were 4 presentations on the proposed excessive tax increases put forth by RDN Staff.
We had support from six Directors but most notably there was little support from a majority of RDN Directors who represent municipalities such as Nanaimo, Parksville and Qualicum.  These communities are less affected by RDN financial plans because they direct their own tax plans and systems and only share costs for services that may be provided by the RDN such as bus service, garbage collection and sewage treatment.  They also don’t pay a 5.25% service charge for our tax billings prepared by the Province of BC Surveyor of Taxes which increases our costs.  You would think on that basis the municipalities would be more sympathetic to the cost to property owners in the rural Areas which includes our own French Creek Area G.  This doesn’t appear to be the case and we are certainly disappointed in the Parksville and Qualicum Directors which includes both Mayors.

There will be further discussion at the RDN Board and hopefully some revision to the 2025 portion of the Financial Plan.  They have until the end of March to approve that portion before 2025 tax billings are prepared.  The RDN Taxpayer Alliance that we have joined together with other associations and community groups will continue in our efforts to gain further support on the Board to curtail future tax increases that we cannot afford.

See this digital article from the PQB News. Regional District of Nanaimo adopts 5-year financial plan as taxpayers protest

Email  – November 30, 2024 –
We are all affected by annual taxes which have increased disproportionately in recent years.  Since 2014 French Creek taxes have increased by 134%.  The RDN is currently reviewing a 5 year Financial Plan that will have the effect of increasing your taxes by a further 58% by 2029.  This plan does not include budget amounts for the Nanaimo Regional Hospital which have risen 193% since 2022.

Many taxpayers are suffering because our financial resources are limited.  On the surface it appears the RDN Board of Directors are not giving sufficient attention to curtailing tax increases proposed by Staff coupled with a number of proposed new capital projects such as the Ravensong pool upgrade/expansion which only serves a small portion of our community.  If this project goes ahead it will add a cost of approximately $110 to your annual tax bill.  This amount is not included in the Financial Plan increase of 58% mentioned above.  Transportation Services (Bus service) is slated to increase by 199% over the next 5 years even though usage is very low on rural routes.  There is also discussion by RDN Corporate Services to replace RDN offices at a cost of $34 million even though the building was substantially renovated and enlarged in 2008.

Can you continue to pay these exorbitant tax increases?

Your Association has joined with the Northwest Nanoose Residents Assn (NNRA) and a number of other associations including San Pareil and Fairwinds to create the RDN Taxpayer Alliance.  We are actively lobbying the RDN Board to reject the proposed Financial Plan and we will be asking for your participation via petitions and by contacting RDN Directors.  We will also pursue exposure via the newspaper, radio, tv and social media sites while also including our own websites.  

We need your help to ensure the RDN Board of Directors is listening to us and curtails a proposed Financial Plan we cannot afford.  Contact our representatives at the following addresses –

Area G Director Lehann Wallace
RDN Board of Directors Chair Vanessa Craig
RDN Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Douglas Holmes

We will also be attending the next RDN Board meeting on Tuesday Dec 10th at 1:00pm to make a presentation on behalf of our community.  You can either attend or view via video from here  The live video option is available just prior to the meeting start time as mentioned on the site.

Please give us your help and attention on this matter which affects us all.


Water Rates

The FCRA keeps track of the water rates in the area, access the link below:

2024 Water Rate Comparison Chart

2023 Water Rate Comparison Chart

2022 Water Rate Comparison Chart

2021 Water Rate Comparison Chart

2020 Water Rate Comparison Chart

2019 Water Rate Comparison Chart

2018 Water Rate Comparison Chart

2017 Water Rate Comparison Chart

2016 Water Rate Comparison Chart

2015 Water Rate Comparison Chart